Gwen HendersonSep 30DEFLATED BALLOONSDEFLATED BALLOONS Happy Birthday floated downwards, and happy birthday scripted in pink letters floated toward the ceiling on two of...
Gwen HendersonSep 16REDEFINING LAZYREDEFINING LAZY It is a Sunday afternoon. The day didn’t start as I planned. A movie on Saturday night drew me in and I stayed up later...
Gwen HendersonSep 9WHY HOLD ON?WHY HOLD ON? I will often end the morning walk by watering the plants in the yard. I have found a way to hold the water hose and...
Gwen HendersonSep 2LITTLE DISTRACTIONSLITTLE DISTRACTIONS Each morning, when my feet touch the multi-colored rug next to my bed between 4:30 -5:00 AM, I have two goals. The...