PRACTICE: Write a brief description of yourself.
If you knew me, you would be wondering why I am writing about hair. I have very little of it on my head. Hair, no pun intended, has been a growing edge for me. My lack of hair has lived rent free in my head since college. College was when I began the struggle with the stuff on top of my head, so I followed the example of one of my new best friends, I cut it off. The act was liberating. My mother didn’t think so and her disapproval was very vocal to say the least. The new found liberation was short lived.
No matter the race or gender, hair is controlling. A change of address and moving more than a few miles, necessitates a new stylist. Hair is expensive. Hair can cause one to compromise other aspects of life…just ask the millions of women who don’t exercise because they don’t want to mess up their hair or ask my swimming instructor who couldn’t demonstrate a technique because she “didn’t want to get her hair wet.”
After years of struggling to replenish what was not naturally happening – hair growth AND RELOCATING to a much hotter and humid climate, I gave in and accepted my lack of hair. With few exceptions no one has ever asked me about my lack of it … that doesn’t mean that I am not quick to point it out as if one wouldn’t notice. Is it something that I wish I had? Yes.
So where are you in my hair- raising story? Are there physical things (the flabby arms, the scar on your forehead) or other situations (your parents loved your brother more) about yourself that rents space in your head? Then you have found your place in my story.
Circumstances, fatigue and the loving support of a husband and son, caused me to change the place that hair occupied in my life. Hair would no longer rents a whole house in my head. It now rents a small studio apartment at the back of the house (ha-ha). Hair does not define me. I define me, and hair is but a small piece of that definition.
Luke 12:7
PONDER THIS THOUGHT – My true image has nothing to do with my physical appearance.