The notion of love is never theoretical – love is a practice, sticks in my head and plays in a non-random loop multiple times a day…happening most often when I would rather be doing something else, with someone else, and for someone else other than who, what, or where I am in the moment. From some unknown place, I remember, “you say you love – practice it.” It is my opinion that we are born to love and be loved.
I watched a video of the most decorated gymnast in history. The international senior class champion trains six to seven hours per day excluding Sunday. The athlete says, “I am completely dedicated to my sport, gymnastics.” I am completely dedicated to loving people (self-included). As a matter of fact, the most I can do for another is to love them and the most they can do for me is the same.
Simone Biles rises each day and heads for practice and conditioning. Reading about her routine caused me to think of my routines. I discovered that I have mastered the theory of love. I sit each morning thinking and writing about what love looks like, feels like or should be like. I am not nearly as proficient in the practice of love. Practice is warranted.
Simone is set to debut a never seem routine at this summer’s Olympics. She, her coaches, and trainers had a theory about what is possible, but she will not be attempting anything without hours of practice. I have changed my thinking about love – I now enter the day with a focus of going to LOVE PRACTICE. Simone goes to gymnastic practice, Patrick goes to football practice, Tiger, after all these years, goes to golf practice and doctors practice medicine every day all day. I get to go to LOVE PRACTICE every day.
My practice field is my home, community, and any interaction that I have with others. Love practice begins or ought to begin with myself first. I show love and respect for myself by how I prepare to happen to my day. That love and respect ought to translate into the way in which others deserve to be loved and respected by me. As I practice unconditional love toward myself, my skill of unconditional love for all humankind and all of creation is honed.
I haven’t had the pleasure of seeing Simone practice, but I am sure she makes mistakes. She picks up her petite body from the mat, dusts off the ego and tries again. LOVE PRACTICE is no different. Everyone that I try to love is not ready to receive the love that I give, and I may be rebuffed. I must pick my love up from the love practice field, dust love’s rejection and my ego off, and try again.
Simone will retire one day. You and I do not have that option. LOVE PRACTICE IS LIFETIME COMMITMENT.
PONDER THIS THOUGHT--- “No man is born into the world whose work is not born with him.” James Russell Lowell.
One of the best ways to practice self love is to take care of myself. After experiencing a series of illnesses, your message is a reminder to seriously practice with me first.