The truth about success can be multi-layered. Success is often perceived by what is seen. Only those intimately involved in the endeavor know the foundation of success. Success can be viewed as how others are impacted. Success is the favorable or prosperous termination of attempts or endeavors.
The story of the Titanic and an iceberg provides some food for thought around success. The famed ship ran into what the captain could see, a seemingly harmless and conquerable iceberg. He was clueless to (he had been warned) what lay below the waterline. He didn’t know what it had taken for the iceberg to become what it was – a successful iceberg that stood firm when rammed by another highly acclaimed successful venture, The Titanic. He also had no way of knowing the impact of his actions on the lives of so many and on an entire industry. Think about that for a moment. Success is multi-layered so do this ship/captain’s failure rank as success given the ultimate long-term outcome? Food for thought.
I am blessed to be in what I believe is a successful marriage. Others see my husband and me, the public display us (the iceberg above the waterline) and conclude that we have a successful marriage. How do I know? They tell us. We humbly accept the compliment. What they don’t see is the foundation and what it has taken to make the part of the iceberg below the waterline.
Marriage for me (us) hasn’t been hard work but it has been and is diligent work…requiring intentionality and focus. There is a lot of risk taking and a fair amount of late-night work.
Somewhere along the way each of our present and past failures, doubts, rejections, and disappointments have shown up as well as discipline, persistence, trust, and sacrifice. Late at night is the time when one is most likely to ruminate on these things, especially the not so pleasant ones. Having the courage to face adversity and to change what is not beneficial to both parties is risky but it builds trust.
The practices that build a successful marriage build successful friendships and businesses as well.
There is no such thing as an overnight success. Success is a combination of risk taking, struggles, failures, persistence, action, discipline, courage, adversity, long nights, and days. There is such a thing as short-lived success, just ask the Titanic – built 1909-12, sailed April 10, 1912, sank April 15, 1912, or the Titan.
The same ingredients that went into creating the successful ship are the same ones that it took for the iceberg to develop and the same ones that it will take for you to be successful in whatever you endeavor. The kicker…you may never know of your success.
PONDER THIS THOUGHT—-“Success is when my words and actions reach and influence a person that I will never meet and reach a place I may never visit.” Anthony Forte, entrepreneur
Great food for thought. BW